In the last 12 months:
· 40% of young people were bullied
· 6% of all young people had experienced bullying daily
· 21% of children who had experienced bullying daily had truanted in the last 12 months – 3 times the proportion of those who were not bullied
· Young people who had experienced bullying daily are also most likely to truant for the longest period of time. (Girls almost twice a likely to truant because of bullying than boys)
· 4% of children bullied most days also most likely to be kept off school by their parents.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors understand the true definition of bullying and believe that bullying behaviour is not acceptable and should not be part of everyday life at school. They support others and are upstanders against bullying behaviour and a support network for their peers. They stand to shape attitudes and change behaviours.
This two-hour training session explores the true definition of bullying, the types of bullying, why young people bully and the impact this can have. The role of the Anti-Bullying Ambassador in the school can vary. Every school may use this role in a way the best suits their community, from wearing a badge/different tie, patrolling the site to actively holding anti-bullying “surgeries” where pupils can go to report/discuss issues around bullying.
The final part of the training is a discussion around how to raise awareness around bullying and how the Ambassadors can best serve the school community.
The training is interactive and works best with groups of up to eight students from various year groups ( year 7-11 or 7-13) but can also be delivered to year 5 students in the summer term or year 6 students in the autumn term.
A minimum of 24 to a maximum of 80 students can be trained in groups of 6 or 8.
Prior to the training a power point will be provided should you wish to show this in assemblies/ tutor periods inviting students to apply in writing to take part in the training.
If you are interested in Liz delivering this session to a group of your students, please email
Liz’s bio
I am a recently retired Deputy Headteacher having worked in Trafford for 38 years. I began my career as a French and Spanish teacher and as my passion has always been the welfare of young people, I have taken on various roles following the pastoral route: Director of Year, Assistant Headteacher (pastoral) and Deputy Headteacher responsible for safeguarding, Designated Teacher for looked after children, attendance, behaviour and Senior Mental Health Lead.
In 2016, I was part of the Enable Anti-Bullying project and have since been delivering anti-bullying ambassador training twice a year, every year to students in years 7-13. I have trained over 500 students since 2016.
I have also delivered training twice a year for Wellbeing Ambassadors, using a combination of my own and PiXL resources.
In November 2021 I qualified as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor, and I have delivered the two – day Mental Health First Aid course to teaching and non -teaching staff in various schools as well as to year 13 students. I have also delivered the MHFA Champion course to over 40 year 12/13 students.
I am very eager to support both staff and students at high school and primary schools by offering the following:
· Mental Health First Aid two- day course for adults working with young people
· Mental Health First Aid Champion one day course for staff and students 17+
· Anti-Bullying and Wellbeing Ambassador training for pupils years 5-13
Liz Copeland B.Ed. MHFA England Instructor Anti -Bullying Ambassador