Conducting a Health & Wellbeing Review across your Local Authority (LA) or Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is a valuable opportunity forleaders to reflect on when considering how to further develop and improve their provisions.
A Health & Wellbeing Review will enable leaders to have a thorough understanding of the full spectrum of the mental health and wellbeing needs of pupils (including those with SEND) and colleagues in its schools and how well this is linked to the LA or MAT’s priorities.
Although leaders can undertake self-evaluation of their LA or MATs internally, it can be helpful to involve an external partner in the process.
Here at Bright Futures Training we have a plethora of experience in conducting large scale Health & Wellbeing Reviews and with a team of Mental Health England trained national facilitators, we are well placed to service your needs. Our Health & Wellbeing review packages are bespoke to each setting and are designed in partnership with you, to make sure it fits with your current systems and structures.
We believe that Health & Wellbeing Reviews should be a collaborative two-way process, where our team of reviewers work alongside your leaders to consider the evidence and agree the strengths, areas for development and key priorities together. The process supports professional development and should result in the sharing of new ideas and practices.
The review itself is just the start; the process will only be truly beneficial if the findings from the review are used to support strategic development planning at LA or MAT level.
Here are just some of the LA’s and MATs we have worked with:
For more information please contact Claire Critchley: