Leadership Development

Pupil Premium Reviewer Training

Course Details
Audience: School Pupil Premium Leads, LLEs and NLEs, Teaching School Hub Directors and Leads
Date: Friday 21st March 2025
Time: 9am - 1pm
Venue: Online via zoom
Cost: £275 per person
Facilitated by: Clare Oberman, National Pupil Premium Champion School and Training Centre, based at The Golden Thread Teaching School Hub.

The TSC Pupil Premium Reviewer Guide has been updated and written in partnership with DfE, EEF and the West Midlands Pupil Premium Reviewer Training centre, based at The Golden Thread Teaching School Hub lead school, Painsley Catholic College in Cheadle, Staffordshire. Bright Futures Teaching School Hubs are working in partnership with the Golden Thread TS Hub to bring the Pupil Premium Reviewer training to Greater Manchester.

The content is delivered by Clare Oberman, Pupil Premium Reviewer Trainer.  Clare has delivered training to over 70 NLEs.  

The training will equip reviewers to carry out reviews, share the latest guidance and best practice from DfE, and will lead to Pupil Premium Reviewer accreditation. This will enable participants to carry out accredited reviews, using a set of tools provided. Once trained, reviewers may charge schools for completing reviews. 

This training is for NLEs and LLEs in the region, although SLEs who may be deployed by an NLE to complete this work can also attend.  The training is also open to Teaching School Hub Directors/Leads.

The course is open to PP leads from schools who may not be LLEs or NLEs but who want to improve their knowledge of how to monitor and sustain impact and improvements in their own schools and have a better understanding/knowledge of effective practices and processes. It is open to PP leads who wish to deepen their understanding of the PPR process. However, they cannot be fully accredited as reviewers unless they have LLE or NLE status.

What will it achieve?

Having completed the course participants will…

· Understand the updated TSC 6 step framework to a review;

· Explored barriers to reviews;

· Looked at effective practice and processes;

· Gained access to the online PPR resource centre;

· Be able to complete PP reviews as an accredited reviewer.


“The discussions were great and the presenter was very knowledgeable. I really enjoyed the day and found it extremely useful.” – Emma (2022)

Bright Futures Training
Cavendish Road, Bowdon
Altrincham WA14 2NL
Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust