The SEND Diagnostic Review is a tool for mainstream primary and secondary schools and academies wishing to undertake a rigorous partnership review to further develop their SEND provision. The audit tool includes an in-depth analysis of the achievement and outcomes for SEND pupils, personal development, behaviour and welfare, the effectiveness of leadership and management, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
The review can also focus on additional issues selected by the school or academy such as the attendance of pupils with SEND and the effectiveness of TA support.
By the end of the process the school or academy will have effectively identified clear strengths and areas for further development within their SEND provision which will then inform other aspects of school self-evaluation.
The review will be implemented by senior leaders/SEND SLEs from Melland High School which is a designated National Support and is commissioned by Manchester LA to provide SEND support to other high schools. Melland High School is a strategic partner of Bright Futures Training and part of Bright Futures Educational Trust.
The review usually takes place over two days and usually includes agreed paired activities with SLT members and SENCos from the commissioning school or academy. These review activities may include whole school learning walks, lesson observations, individual pupil tracking and progress analysis in addition to face-to-face interviews with relevant staff, governors, pupils, parent/carers and multi-agency representatives.
Following the review the SEND team create a detailed evaluative report highlighting the school’s or academy’s strengths and areas for development. There will always be the opportunity for follow-up additional support for SEND school improvement priorities and potential action plans, setting out clear and precise objectives following the review.
The SEND Diagnostic Review is firmly rooted in the ethos of collaboration between schools / academies in order to achieve its aim of significantly improving outcomes for pupils with SEND. It requires clear commitment in terms of time and staffing from the participating school or academy and the involvement of senior leaders in the review process itself.
To discuss or arrange a SEND Review please contact Lisa Fathers, Director of Teaching School & Partnerships: