About Dr Stella Louis
In 2023, Stella won the highly acclaimed Nursery World Trainer of the Year award. She is a freelance Early Years consultant, working with individual nursery settings, parents, nursery schools, local authorities, government departments and charities. She provides training and consultancy and is particularly interested in observation and its part in supporting learning, development and teaching.
Stella has written 12 books, is co-author of two, and has had chapters published in four more. She has also written articles for the publications Nursery World, Early Years Educators and Early Education.
About the session:
Schemas are a normal aspect of a child’s development and are always evolving based on how the child responds to events in both the real world and with other people. Schemas, are a crucial stage of learning that are ingrained in children’s behaviors and movements and are a component of the developing brain.
Schematic play support children’s learning of conceptual concepts. By doing things repeatedly, children are building their sense of perception. They are sorting, organising, analysing, and re-analysing. Did you know that a child may learn about size, sorting, making sets, and classifying by putting up larger cars on one side of the table and smaller ones on the other? Understanding schemas can help adults see how children investigate concepts related to height, width, and space, as well as hiding, rolling, and rotation. This webinar will concentrate on understanding and supporting schematic play, which children use to aid their understanding of the specific conceptual idea they are experimenting with on a deeper level.
Please click on Register Today to complete booking form, selecting the time slot. A joining link will be sent to your email, so please ensure you register with your preferred contact email address for the online session.
*Recorded Webinar will also be available on our website after the event*